
Dr. Mohammed Chaouk


Co-Founder and Managing Director. His specialty focuses on aviation strategies and optimization of airport business model. He has also gained extensive experience in Airside Operations and in drafting aerodrome and airport emergency manuals at Prince Mohammed Bin Abdul-Aziz International Airport (PMIA). His expertise includes advising states and private sectors on airport strategies and airport business model selection. Furthermore, he has taken a lead role in projects involving drafting of airport operation and management tender documents, and airport development project coordination and project management.

• PhD in Aviation Management (Transport Systems), Cranfield University (United Kingdom).
• MSc in Aerospace Vehicle Design, Cranfield University (United Kingdom).
• BSc in Mechanical Engineering (Aerospace Specialty), University of Balamand (Lebanon)

Dr. Hamdi Chaouk

He has profound expertise in the aviation business with over 35 years of experience. His specialty focuses on aviation strategies, transformation, process management and Optimization of airport governance and business management as well as operational planning. He has also gained extensive experience in international management and corporate development. He has led and directed Airport and airlines projects worldwide. His leadership role in high level international projects gives him a multidisciplinary and multinational view in his approach. His expertise includes advising states and private sectors on airport strategies, funding, and business development. Furthermore, he has taken a lead role in projects involving drafting of aviation laws and regulations. He has represented Lebanon on ICAO Council and ACI Asia-Pacific Council for more than 10 years.

• PhD in Aeronautical Engineering, University of Sydney (Australia).
• Professor in many universities in Lebanon, UAE, Australia, UK and Canada.
• Fellow member of the British Royal Aeronautical Society (FRAeS) and many Aviation syndicates and associations.
• Executive Member on the Board of different aviation corporations and universities.
